Monday, December 20, 2010

happy kate.

Making lunch with Meg, goat cheese on toasted ciabatta and butter-soaked brussel sprouts.
Borrowing her boots.
And a walk through Arrowhead Valley in our beloved Anne Taylor Loft leggings.
Do ask, do tell.
Black Swan.
Christmas tips.
My best friend getting engaged (!!!).
Getting Kelly Sheline's Christmas CD in the mail.
Christmas Extravaganza 2010.
One of Walker's professors discussing the Magi on Diane Rehm - the kind of thing we can get easily pumped up over.
The Little family's Christmas cookie platter.

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Murakami.
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running, Murakami.
Confessions of An Art Addict, Peggy Guggenheim.
I Remember Nothing, Nora Ephron.
The Human Stain, Philip Roth.

And even still, I just can't wait to get away with my boyfriend. The 27th, the 27th, the 27th...

And then I can't wait to come home to put together a life that doesn't feel so start and stop.