Tuesday, February 9, 2010


This is a picture my friend Rachel sent me from Baltimore, the caption on her awesome tumblr says, "Because apparently snow equals intense banana cravings."

Even amidst all the epic snowfall - I sure do miss D.C. a lot.

Especially when I get emails from Becca with such quotable quotes as: "I just want to play Sega with boys, have sex, and eat sandwiches. And then I want them to leave so I can hang with my bitches."

And chat'n it up with Archita.

Oh but today, the one and only Design*Sponge came out with a city guide to Oklahoma City!
And I couldn't agree more with the opening statement, OKC gets decidedly cooler every day. (Especially if you celebrate your birthday at Cafe do Brasil with Walker Robins).

Ack. Where do I want to be? Where do I want to be.
And, wherever you go, you take yourself with you.