Thursday, December 29, 2011


Dear 2011,
I really enjoyed law school.
I am so thankful for all that I have.
Dear 2012,
I want a hell of a lot more. (Out of myself).

I got a coffee maker for Christmas - a real life changer/game changer/the most adult thing I own. Paired with Starbucks' Christmas Blend.

I saw Girl With A Dragon Tattoo.
Man, it was good. David Fincher mesmerizes me.

I love to read!
An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin. Which I adored.
Blue Nights by Joan Didion. She is probably my favorite writer, but I must say I found this one to be a disappointment.
Currently, The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. Which I believe may have been written precisely just for me.
And Out of Africa, which I dabble in between the interruptions. My back-burner book, slowly simmering.
And maybe Kentucky Fried Tender, because my boyfriend insists. After I steal the volume of Christopher Hitchens essays I got him.

Outsiders see it once, or hear about it after it's been reduced to an insult: "It's a bunch of squiggles that my kid could do."
I would like to see a kid who could paint a Jackson Pollock. In a half second, any pro could tell the difference. People want to think Pollock's not struggling, that he's kidding. He's not kidding.
You want to know how I think art should be taught to children? Take them to a museum and say, "This is art, and you can't do it."
(An Object of Beauty, Steve Martin).