Thursday, February 24, 2011

good eats in cuzco.

I have no shame - I made Walker eat at Jack's Cafe at least six time while in Cuzco. It was that good. Sweet tomato jam in the morning. Ketchup with a hint of cherry. Fresh fruit in honey and yogurt.
It's also where Walker awarded me with the flattering nickname "Two Plate Kate."

We ate well in Cuzco. I also recommend:

Green's: pepper smoothies and where Walker tried alpaca - delicious!

Aldea Yanapay: this one is really less about the food and more about how good this place makes you feel about the world. profits go to charity and the place is this funky mix of dim candle lighting, funny hats and huge stuffed animals.

Cicciolina: where we had our last meal in Cuzco. beautiful interior decorating. ammmmazing tapas. honestly, we wished we'd found it sooner so we could go back and try the sushi.

I also fell in love with Haribo's gummy fresas. There was a grocery store in Cuzco that sold them and I bought them by the bundle, devouring them immediately. I love grocery shopping in foreign countries.