(a) Mr. T, an example of your pure talent.
(b) Dance skills. (Picture stolen from a wedding album, I'm sure this is illegal).
(c) Beard.
(d) Favorite Song: Wuthering Heights by the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.
You are so smart. And totally content (maybe too content), while still being adventurous - as I am never content. And look good in a tie. (Ha). And are completely at ease with who you are. And let me borrow books. And make me laugh. And without whom I wouldn't watch stuff like Good Hair and The Big Lebowski and Bill Mahr and totally unfunny SNL clips.
And you inspire me to be a better person every day in the way you treat others/everyone like they're worth your time, keep an open mind, remain totally unmaterialistic and put so much time and effort into your beliefs rather than lips service.
It's a doubly special day, because it's the other super inspirational person in my life (Whitney Caldwell's (aka Mate)) birthday too! And she's in South Africa!
Please see last year's birthday tribute post.
Miss you: