Sunday, October 7, 2012

some inspiration from around the internet.

1. One of my best friends, Christa Pennington, ran the Chicago Marathon yesterday for her dad.
In her words: We finished!!!! We did this for our amazing dad who did not finish in 2000 but 2012 we DID finish for Dad!!!

2. Lululemon goal setting. I like: Sweat once a day.

3. I love every single thing about this picture.

Things ruin trips.
...courtesy of the Man Repeller.

You do not need a Fashion Week "survival guide." Fashion Week is not Iraq.
...courtesy of Molly Young's Twitter.

Buzzfeed: A love story in 22 pictures
...I bawled my eyes out.

Michael Chabon! One of my favorite writers.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Pictures from San Miguel de Allende on Sea of Shoes reminded me...

This summer I got to make up for all the MTV Spring Break trips I never had by getting to tag along on my super wonderful housemate Colby's family's yearly trip to an all-inclusive resort in Cancun, Mexico. (Thank you times a million!)

Peru cemented my love for heading south.
But I'd never been to Mexico before, and I left feeling as if I’d just begun a love affair.
In fact, I made a little list of all the things I loved about it (and I do realize my perspective is framed upon a stay at a resort on the beach, but I think that's half the fun of it!):

- The romance of names like Belize, Cozumel, Tulum, etc. 
- People watching. Especially the Europeans. Especially the scandalous swimsuits.
- The soaking in of a Mojito at the end of the day on a yellow deck chair.
- The salty ocean ice cream cones in perfect flavors: strawberry, coconut, and chocolate chip.
- Breakfast being the best meal: the juice bar complete with the pulp of watermelon and frothy green of cactus, also contemplating the life of the expert omelet makers and their perfect pan flips.
- The morning run outside the resort: remembering the existence of another world so aesthetically pleasing: blue tile, crawling trellises of flowers, palm fronds, colored stucco.
- Being constantly called "Amiga."
- The bawdy Top 40 American music playing ad nauseam.
- Soda water.
- Mentos.
- Sand in everything.
- The turquoise of the ocean giving way to sapphire blue as it changes in depth. Neon reef fish washed up on shore.
- Monkeys so crazy: swinging from branch to branch exactly as they are depicted in cartoons.
- And never underestimating the power of a light beach read.